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This event is emitted by xrhand when a hand is first found.

xrhandfound.detail : {id, transform, vertices, normals, handKind, attachmentPoints}

idA numerical id of the located hand.
transform: {position, rotation, scale}Transform information of the located hand.
vertices: [{x, y, z}]Position of hand points, relative to transform.
normals: [{x, y, z}]Normal direction of vertices, relative to transform.
handKindA numerical representation of the handedness of the located hand. Valid values are 0 (unspecified), 1 (left), and 2 (right).
attachmentPoints: { name, position: {x,y,z} }See XR8.HandController.AttachmentPoints for list of available attachment points. position is relative to the transform.

transform is an object with the following properties:

position {x, y, z}The 3d position of the located hand.
rotation {w, x, y, z}The 3d local orientation of the located hand.
scaleA scale factor that should be applied to objects attached to this hand.

attachmentPoints is an object with the following properties:

nameThe name of the attachment point. See XR8.HandController.AttachmentPoints for list of available attachment points.
position {x, y, z}The 3d position of the attachment point on the located hand.
rotation {w, x, y, z}The rotation quaternion that rotates positive-Y vector to the attachment point bone vector.
innerPoint {x, y, z}The inner point of an attachment point. (ex. hand palm side)
outerPoint {x, y, z}The outer point of an attachment point. (ex. hand backside)
radiusThe radius of finger attachment points.
minorRadiusThe shortest radius from hand surface to the wrist attachment point.
majorRadiusThe longest radius from hand surface to the wrist attachment point.


const handRigidComponent = {
init: function () {
const object3D = this.el.object3D
object3D.visible = false
const show = ({detail}) => {
const {position, rotation, scale} = detail.transform
object3D.scale.set(scale, scale, scale)
object3D.visible = true
const hide = ({detail}) => { object3D.visible = false }
this.el.sceneEl.addEventListener('xrhandfound', show)
this.el.sceneEl.addEventListener('xrhandupdated', show)
this.el.sceneEl.addEventListener('xrhandlost', hide)