BabylonJS Observables
Image Target Observables​
onXrImageLoadingObservable: Fires when detection image loading begins.
onXrImageLoadingObservable : { imageTargets: {name, type, metadata} }
onXrImageScanningObservable: Fires when all detection images have been loaded and scanning has begun.
onXrImageScanningObservable : { imageTargets: {name, type, metadata, geometry} }
onXrImageFoundObservable: Fires when an image target is first found.
onXrImageFoundObservable : { name, type, position, rotation, scale, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, height, radiusTop, radiusBottom, arcStartRadians, arcLengthRadians }
onXrImageUpdatedObservable: Fires when an image target changes position, rotation or scale.
onXrImageUpdatedObservable : { name, type, position, rotation, scale, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, height, radiusTop, radiusBottom, arcStartRadians, arcLengthRadians }
onXrImageLostObservable: Fires when an image target is no longer being tracked.
onXrImageLostObservable : { name, type, position, rotation, scale, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, height, radiusTop, radiusBottom, arcStartRadians, arcLengthRadians }
Face Effects Observables​
onFaceLoadingObservable: Fires when loading begins for additional face AR resources.
onFaceLoadingObservable : {maxDetections, pointsPerDetection, indices, uvs}
onFaceScanningObservable: Fires when all face AR resources have been loaded and scanning has begun.
onFaceScanningObservable: {maxDetections, pointsPerDetection, indices, uvs}
onFaceFoundObservable: Fires when a face is first found.
onFaceFoundObservable : {id, transform, attachmentPoints, vertices, normals, uvsInCameraFrame}
onFaceUpdatedObservable: Fires when a face is subsequently found.
onFaceUpdatedObservable : {id, transform, attachmentPoints, vertices, normals, uvsInCameraFrame}
onFaceLostObservable: Fires when a face is no longer being tracked.
onFaceLostObservable : {id}
onMouthOpenedObservable: Fires when a tracked face's mouth opens.
onMouthOpenedObservable : {id}
onMouthClosedObservable: Fires when a tracked face's mouth closes.
onMouthClosedObservable : {id}
onLeftEyeOpenedObservable: Fires when a tracked face's left eye opens.
onLeftEyeOpenedObservable : {id}
onLeftEyeClosedObservable: Fires when a tracked face's left eye closes.
onLeftEyeClosedObservable : {id}
onRightEyeOpenedObservable: Fires when a tracked face's right eye opens
onRightEyeOpenedObservable : {id}
onRightEyeClosedObservable: Fires when a tracked face's right eye closes.
onRightEyeClosedObservable : {id}
onLeftEyebrowRaisedObservable: Fires when a tracked face's left eyebrow is raised from its initial position when the face was found.
onLeftEyebrowRaisedObservable : {id}
onLeftEyebrowLoweredObservable: Fires when a tracked face's left eyebrow is lowered to its initial position when the face was found.
onLeftEyebrowLoweredObservable : {id}
onRightEyebrowRaisedObservable: Fires when a tracked face's right eyebrow is raised from its position when the face was found.
onRightEyebrowRaisedObservable : {id}
onRightEyebrowLoweredObservable: Fires when a tracked face's right eyebrow is lowered to its initial position when the face was found.
onRightEyebrowLoweredObservable : {id}
onLeftEyeWinkedObservable: Fires when a tracked face's left eye closes and opens within 750ms while the right eye remains open.
onLeftEyeWinkedObservable : {id}
onRightEyeWinkedObservable: Fires when a tracked face's right eye closes and opens within 750ms while the left eye remains open.
onRightEyeWinkedObservable : {id}
onBlinkedObservable: Fires when a tracked face's eyes blink.
onBlinkedObservable : {id}
onInterPupillaryDistanceObservable: Fires when a tracked face's distance in millimeters between the centers of each pupil is first detected.
onInterPupillaryDistanceObservable : {id, interpupillaryDistance}
Image Target Example​
scene.onXrImageUpdatedObservable.add(e => {
target.scaling.set(e.scale, e.scale, e.scale)
Face Effects Example​
// this is called when the face is first found. It provides the static information about the
// face such as the UVs and indices
scene.onFaceLoadingObservable.add((event) => {
const {indices, maxDetections, pointsPerDetection, uvs} = event
// Babylon expects all vertex data to be a flat list of numbers
facePoints = Array(pointsPerDetection)
for (let i = 0; i < pointsPerDetection; i++) {
const facePoint = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox("box", {size: 0.02}, scene)
facePoint.material = material
facePoint.parent = faceMesh
facePoints[i] = facePoint
// this is called each time the face is updated which is on a per-frame basis
scene.onFaceUpdatedObservable.add((event) => {
const {vertices, normals, transform} = event;
const {scale, position, rotation} = transform, i) => {
facePoints[i].position.x = v.x
facePoints[i].position.y = v.y
facePoints[i].position.z = v.z
faceMesh.scalingDeterminant = scale
faceMesh.position = position
faceMesh.rotationQuaternion = rotation