onStart: ({ canvas, GLctx, computeCtx, isWebgl2, orientation, videoWidth, videoHeight, canvasWidth, canvasHeight, config })
is called when XR starts.
Parameter | Description |
canvas | The canvas that backs GPU processing and user display. |
GLctx | The drawing canvas's WebGLRenderingContext or WebGL2RenderingContext . |
computeCtx | The compute canvas's WebGLRenderingContext or WebGL2RenderingContext . |
isWebgl2 | True if GLctx is a WebGL2RenderingContext . |
orientation | The rotation of the UI from portrait, in degrees (-90, 0, 90, 180). |
videoWidth | The height of the camera feed, in pixels. |
videoHeight | The height of the camera feed, in pixels. |
canvasWidth | The width of the GLctx canvas, in pixels. |
canvasHeight | The height of the GLctx canvas, in pixels. |
config | The configuration parameters that were passed to XR8.run() . |
name: 'mycamerapipelinemodule',
onStart: ({canvasWidth, canvasHeight}) => {
// Get the three.js scene. This was created by XR8.Threejs.pipelineModule().onStart(). The
// reason we can access it here now is because 'mycamerapipelinemodule' was installed after
// XR8.Threejs.pipelineModule().
const {scene, camera} = XR8.Threejs.xrScene()
// Add some objects to the scene and set the starting camera position.
myInitXrScene({scene, camera})
// Sync the xr controller's 6DoF position and camera paremeters with our scene.
origin: camera.position,
facing: camera.quaternion,