Points of the face you can anchor content to.
Property | Value | Description |
FOREHEAD | 'forehead' | Forehead |
RIGHT_EYEBROW_INNER | 'rightEyebrowInner' | Inner side of right eyebrow |
RIGHT_EYEBROW_MIDDLE | 'rightEyebrowMiddle' | Middle of right eyebrow |
RIGHT_EYEBROW_OUTER | 'rightEyebrowOuter' | Outer side of right eyebrow |
LEFT_EYEBROW_INNER | 'leftEyebrowInner' | Inner side of left eyebrow |
LEFT_EYEBROW_MIDDLE | 'leftEyebrowMiddle' | Middle of left eyebrow |
LEFT_EYEBROW_OUTER | 'leftEyebrowOuter' | Outer side of left eyebrow |
LEFT_EAR | 'leftEar' | Left ear |
RIGHT_EAR | 'rightEar' | Right ear |
LEFT_CHEEK | 'leftCheek' | Left cheek |
RIGHT_CHEEK | 'rightCheek' | Right cheek |
NOSE_BRIDGE | 'noseBridge' | Bridge of the nose |
NOSE_TIP | 'noseTip' | Tip of the nose |
LEFT_EYE | 'leftEye' | Left eye |
RIGHT_EYE | 'rightEye' | Right eye |
LEFT_EYE_OUTER_CORNER | 'leftEyeOuterCorner' | Outer corner of left eye |
RIGHT_EYE_OUTER_CORNER | 'rightEyeOuterCorner' | Outer corner of right eye |
LEFT_IRIS | 'leftIris' | Iris of the left eye |
RIGHT_IRIS | 'rightIris' | Iris of the right eye |
LEFT_UPPER_EYELID | 'leftUpperEyelid' | Upper eyelid of the left eye |
RIGHT_UPPER_EYELID | 'rightUpperEyelid' | Upper eyelid of the right eye |
LEFT_LOWER_EYELID | 'leftLowerEyelid' | Lower eyelid of the left eye |
RIGHT_LOWER_EYELID | 'rightLowerEyelid' | Lower eyelid of the right eye |
UPPER_LIP | 'upperLip' | Upper lip |
LOWER_LIP | 'lowerLip' | Lower lip |
MOUTH | 'mouth' | Mouth |
MOUTH_RIGHT_CORNER | 'mouthRightCorner' | Right corner of mouth |
MOUTH_LEFT_CORNER | 'mouthLeftCorner' | Left corner of mouth |
CHIN | 'chin' | Chin |
When enableEars:true
ear detection runs simultaneously with Face Effects and returns the following ear attachment points:
Property | Value | Description |
EAR_LEFT_HELIX | 'leftHelix' | Upper helix of the left ear |
EAR_LEFT_CANAL | 'leftCanal' | Ear canal of the left ear |
EAR_LEFT_LOBE | 'leftLobe' | Left earlobe |
EAR_RIGHT_HELIX | 'rightHelix' | Upper helix of the right ear |
EAR_RIGHT_CANAL | 'rightCanal' | Ear canal of the right ear |
EAR_RIGHT_LOBE | 'rightLobe' | Right earlobe |