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LandingPage.configure({ logoSrc, logoAlt, promptPrefix, url, promptSuffix, textColor, font, textShadow, backgroundSrc, backgroundBlur, backgroundColor, mediaSrc, mediaAlt, mediaAutoplay, mediaAnimation, mediaControls, sceneEnvMap, sceneOrbitIdle, sceneOrbitInteraction, sceneLightingIntensity, vrPromptPrefix })


Configures behavior and look of the LandingPage module.

Parameters (All Optional)​

logoSrcStringImage source for brand logo image.
logoAltString'Logo'Alt text for brand logo image.
promptPrefixString'Scan or visit'Sets the text string for call to action before the URL for the experience is displayed. link if 8th Wall hosted, or current pageSets the displayed URL and QR code.
promptSuffixString'to continue'Sets the text string for call to action after the URL for the experience is displayed.
textColorHex Color'#ffffff'Color of all the text on the Landing Page.
fontString"'Nunito', sans-serif"Font of all text on the Landing Page. This parameter accepts valid CSS font-family arguments.
textShadowBooleanfalseSets text-shadow property for all text on the Landing Page.
backgroundSrcStringImage source for background image.
backgroundBlurNumber0Applies a blur effect to the backgroundSrc if one is specified. (Typically values are between 0.0 and 1.0)
backgroundColorString'linear-gradient(#464766,#2D2E43)'Background color of the Landing Page. This parameter accepts valid CSS background-color arguments. Background color is not displayed if a background-src or sceneEnvMap is set.
mediaSrcStringApp’s cover image, if presentMedia source (3D model, image, or video) for landing page hero content. Accepted media sources include a-asset-item id, or static URL.
mediaAltString'Preview'Alt text for landing page image content.
mediaAutoplayBooleantrueIf the mediaSrc is a video, specifies if the video should be played on load with sound muted.
mediaAnimationStringFirst animation clip of model, if presentIf the mediaSrc is a 3D model, specify whether to play a specific animation clip associated with the model, or "none".
mediaControlsString'minimal'If mediaSrc is a video, specify media controls displayed to to user. Choose from "none", "mininal" or "browser" (browser defaults)
sceneEnvMapString'field'Image source pointing to an equirectangular image. Or one of the following preset environments: "field", "hill", "city", "pastel", or "space".
sceneOrbitIdleString'spin'If the mediaSrc is a 3D model, specify whether the model should "spin", or "none".
sceneOrbitInteractionString'drag'If the mediaSrc is a 3D model, specify whether the user can interact with the orbit controls, choose "drag", or "none".
sceneLightingIntensityNumber1If the mediaSrc is a 3D model, specify the strength of the light illuminating the mode.
vrPromptPrefixString'or visit'Sets the text string for call to action before the URL for the experience is displayed on VR headsets.



Example - Code​

mediaSrc: '',
sceneEnvMap: 'hill',