Platform API: Image Targets
The 8th Wall Image Target Management API enables developers to dynamically manage the image target library associated with their 8th Wall powered WebAR projects. This API and accompanying documentation is designed for developers familiar with web development & 8th Wall image targets.
Before you begin: Before you start using the Image Target API, your workspace needs to be on an Pro or Enterprise billing plan. To upgrade, contact sales.
Authentication is provided by secret keys. Workspaces on an Pro or Enterprise plan can request an API Key. You'll include this secret key in each request to verify the request is authorized. Since the key is scoped to your workspace, the key will have access to all image targets inside all apps in that workspace.
You can view your key on your account page.
The Image Target API key is a B2B key associated with your workspace. Follow best practices to secure your API Key as publicly exposing your API key can result in unintended use and unauthorized access. In particular please avoid:
- Embedding the Image Target API key in code that runs on a user's device or is publicly shared
- Storing the Image Target API key inside your application’s source tree
Limits and Quotas
- 25 requests per minute, with a burst allowance of 500, meaning you can make 500 requests in one minute, then can make 25 requests per minute after that, or could wait 20 minutes and make another 500 requests.
- 10,000 requests per day.
Note: These limits only apply to the Image Target Management API, enabling developers to dynamically manage the library of images associated with an 8th Wall project. These limits are not applicable to end-user activations of a Web AR experience.
To request an increase to the Image Target API quota limits for projects in your workspace please send a request to support.
- Create image target
- List image targets
- Get image target
- Modify image target
- Delete image target
- Preview image target
Create image target
Upload a new target to an app's list of image targets
curl -X POST "$APP_KEY/targets" \
-H "X-Api-Key:$SECRET_KEY" \
-F "name=my-target-name" \
-F "image=@image.png"\
-F ""\
-F "geometry.left=0"\
-F "geometry.width=480"\
-F "geometry.height=640"\
-F "metadata={\"customFlag\":true}"
-F "loadAutomatically=true"
Field | Type | Default Value | Description |
image | Binary data | PNG or JPEG format, must be at least 480x640, less than 2048x2048, and less than 10MB | |
name | String | Must be unique within an app, cannot include tildes (~), and cannot exceed 255 characters | |
type [Optional] | String | 'PLANAR' | 'PLANAR' , 'CYLINDER' , or 'CONICAL' . |
metadata [Optional] | String | null | Must be valid JSON if metadataIsJson is true, and cannot exceed 2048 characters |
metadataIsJson [Optional] | Boolean | true | You may set to false to use the metadata property as a raw string |
loadAutomatically [Optional] | Boolean | false | Each app is limited to 5 image targets with loadAutomatically: true |
geometry.isRotated [Optional] | Boolean | false | Set to true if the image is prerotated from landscape to portrait. | | integer | These properties specify the crop to apply to your image. It must be an aspect ratio of 3:4, and at least 480x640. | |
geometry.left | integer | ||
geometry.width | integer | ||
geometry.height | integer | ||
geometry.topRadius | integer | Only needed for type: 'CONICAL' | |
geometry.bottomRadius | integer | Only needed for type: 'CONICAL' |
Planar / Cylinder Upload Geometry
This diagram shows how the specified crop is applied to your uploaded image to generate the
and thumbnailImageUrl
. The width:height ratio is always 3:4.
For a landscape crop, upload the image as rotated 90 degrees clockwise, set
geometry.isRotated: true
, and specify the crop against the rotated image.
Conical Upload Geometry
This diagram shows how your uploaded image is flattened and cropped based on the parameters. The
uploaded image is in a "rainbow" format where the top and bottom edges of your content are aligned
to two concentric circles. If your target is narrower on the top than the bottom, specify topRadius
as the negative of the outer radius, and bottomRadius
as the inner radius (positive). For a
landscape crop, set geometry.isRotated: true
, and the flattened image will be rotated before having the
crop applied.
This is the standard JSON response format for image targets.
"name": "...",
"uuid": "...",
"type": "PLANAR",
"loadAutomatically": true,
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"appKey": "...",
"geometry": {
"top": 842,
"left": 392,
"width": 851,
"height": 1135,
"isRotated": true,
"originalWidth": 2000,
"originalHeight": 2000
"metadata": null,
"metadataIsJson": true,
"originalImageUrl": "",
"imageUrl": "",
"thumbnailImageUrl": "",
"geometryTextureUrl": "",
"created": 1613508074845,
"updated": 1613683291310
Property | Type | Description |
name | String | |
uuid | String | Unique ID of this image target |
type | String | 'PLANAR' , 'CYLINDER' , or 'CONICAL' |
loadAutomatically | Boolean | |
status | String | 'AVAILABLE' or 'TAKEN_DOWN' |
appKey | String | The app the target belongs to |
geometry | Object | See below |
metadata | String | |
metadataIsJson | Boolean | |
originalImageUrl | String | CDN URL for the source image that was uploaded |
imageUrl | String | Cropped version of geometryTextureUrl |
thumbnailImageUrl | String | 350px tall version of the imageUrl for use in thumbnails |
geometryTextureUrl | String | For conical, this is an flattened version of the original image, for planar and cylinder, this is the same as originalImageUrl |
created | integer | Creation date in milliseconds after unix epoch |
updated | integer | Last updated date in milliseconds after unix epoch |
Planar Geometry
Property | Type | Description |
top | integer | |
left | integer | |
width | integer | |
height | integer | |
isRotated | Boolean | |
originalWidth | integer | Width of the uploaded image |
originalHeight | integer | Height of the uploaded image |
Cylinder or Conical Geometry
Extends the Planar Geometry properties with the alteration that originalWidth
refer to the dimensions of the flattened image stored at geometryTextureUrl.
Property | Type | Description |
topRadius | float | |
bottomRadius | float | |
coniness | float | Always 0 for type: CYLINDER , derived from topRadius /bottomRadius for type: CONICAL |
cylinderCircumferenceTop | float | The circumference of the full circle traced by the upper edge of your target |
targetCircumferenceTop | float | The length along your the upper edge of your target before having the crop applied |
cylinderCircumferenceBottom | float | Derived from cylinderCircumferenceTop and topRadius /bottomRadius |
cylinderSideLength | float | Derived from targetCircumferenceTop and the original image dimensions |
arcAngle | float | Derived from cylinderCircumferenceTop and targetCircumferenceTop |
inputMode | String | 'BASIC' or 'ADVANCED' . Controls what users see in the 8th Wall console, either sliders or number input boxes. |
List image targets
Query for a list of image targets that belong to an app. Results are paginated, meaning if the app contains more image targets than can be returned in one response, you will need to make multiple requests to enumerate the full list of image targets.
curl "$APP_KEY/targets" -H "X-Api-Key:$SECRET_KEY"
Parameter | Type | Description |
by [Optional] | String | Specifies the column to sort by. Options are "created", "updated", "name", or "uuid". |
dir [Optional] | String | Controls the sort direction of the list. Either "asc" or "desc". |
start [Optional] | String | Specifies that the list starts with items that have this value in the by column |
after [Optional] | String | Specifies that the list starts immediately after items that have this value |
limit [Optional] | integer | Must be between 1 and 500 |
continuation [Optional] | String | Used to fetch the next page after the inital query. |
Sorted List
This query lists the app's targets starting from "z" and going towards "a".
curl "$APP_KEY/targets?by=name&dir=desc" -H "X-Api-Key:$SECRET_KEY"
Multiple sorts
You can specify a secondary "sort-by" parameter which acts as a tiebreaker in the case of duplicates in your first by
value. uuid
is used as a default tiebreaker if unspecified.
curl "$APP_KEY/targets?by=updated&by=uuid" -H "X-Api-Key:$SECRET_KEY"
Specify a starting point
You can specify start
or after
values that correspond to the by
values to specify your current position in the list. If you want your list to start immediately after the item with updated: 333
and uuid: 777
, you'd use:
curl "$APP_KEY/targets?by=updated&by=uuid&start=333&after=777" -H "X-Api-Key:$SECRET_KEY"
This way, items with updated: 333
are still included in the next page if their uuid
comes after 777
. If an item's updated
value is greater than 333
, but its uuid
is less than 777
, it will still be included in the next page because the second by
property only comes into play for tiebreakers.
It is not valid to specify an after
value for the main sort while providing a start
value for the tiebreaker sort. For example, it wouldn't be valid to specify ?by=name&by=uuid&after=my-name-&start=333
. This should instead be?by=name&by=uuid&after=my-name-
because the second starting point only comes into play when the main starting point is inclusive (using start
JSON object containing the property targets
, which is an array of image target objects in the standard format.
If continuationToken
is present, to fetch the next page of image targets, you'll need to specify ?continuation=[continuationToken]
in a followup request to get the next page of image targets.
"continuationToken": "...",
"targets": [{
"name": "...",
"uuid": "...",
"type": "PLANAR",
"loadAutomatically": true,
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"appKey": "...",
"geometry": {
"top": 842,
"left": 392,
"width": 851,
"height": 1135,
"isRotated": true,
"originalWidth": 2000,
"originalHeight": 2000
"metadata": null,
"metadataIsJson": true,
"originalImageUrl": "",
"imageUrl": "",
"thumbnailImageUrl": "",
"geometryTextureUrl": "",
"created": 1613508074845,
"updated": 1613683291310
}, {
"name": "...",
"uuid": "...",
"type": "CONICAL",
"loadAutomatically": true,
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"appKey": "...",
"geometry": {
"top": 0,
"left": 0,
"width": 480,
"height": 640,
"originalWidth": 886,
"originalHeight": 2048,
"isRotated": true,
"cylinderCircumferenceTop": 100,
"cylinderCircumferenceBottom": 40,
"targetCircumferenceTop": 50,
"cylinderSideLength": 21.63,
"topRadius": 1600,
"bottomRadius": 640,
"arcAngle": 180,
"coniness": 1.3219280948873624,
"inputMode": "BASIC"
"metadata": "{\"my-metadata\": 34534}",
"metadataIsJson": true,
"originalImageUrl": "",
"imageUrl": "",
"thumbnailImageUrl": "",
"geometryTextureUrl": "",
"created": 1613508074845,
"updated": 1613683291310
Get image target
curl "$TARGET_UUID" -H "X-Api-Key:$SECRET_KEY"
JSON object of the standard image target format
Modify image target
The following properties can be modified:
The same validation rules apply as the initial upload
For cylinder and conical image targets, the following properties of the geometry
object can also be modified:
The other geometry properties of the target will be updated to match.
-H "X-Api-Key:$SECRET_KEY"\
-H "Content-Type: application/json"\
--data '{"name":"new-name", "geometry: {"inputMode": "BASIC"}, "metadata": "{}"}'
JSON object of the standard image target format
Delete image target
A successful delete will return an empty response with status code 204: No Content
Preview image target
Generate a URL that users can use to preview the tracking for a target.
curl "$TARGET_UUID/test" -H "X-Api-Key:$SECRET_KEY"
"url": "",
"token": "...",
"exp": 1612830293128
Property | Type | Description |
url | String | The URL that can be used to preview the target tracking |
token | String | This token can currently only be used by our preview app. |
exp | integer | The timestamp in milliseconds of when the token will expire. Tokens expire one hour after being issued. |
Preview functionality is intended to be used in the context of a specific user managing or configuring image targets. Do not publish preview URLs to a public site or share with a large number of users.
Best practices for custom preview experiences: The preview URL that is returned by the API is the 8th Wall generic preview image target experience. If you would like to further customize the frontend of your image target preview take the following steps:
- Create a public 8th Wall project
- Customize the UX of this project to your specifications
- Upload image targets that users want to test to via API using the app key for the project you created in step 1
- Generate a testable image target URL for end-users using the public URL of the project in step 1 and a URL parameter with the name of the image target
- In the project you created in step 1 use the URL parameter to set the active image target using
XR8.XrController.configure({imageTargets: ['theTargetName']})
Error handling
If the API rejects your request, the response will be Content-Type: application/json
, and the
body will contain a message
property containing an error string.
"message": "App not found: ..."
Status Codes
Status | Reason |
400 | This can happen if you've specified an invalid value, or provided a parameter that does not exist. |
403 | This can happen if you are not providing your secret key correctly. |
404 | The app or image target could be deleted, or the app key or target UUID is incorrect. This is also the response code if the provided API key doesn't match the resource you're attempting to access. |
413 | The uploaded image has been rejected for being too large a file. |
429 | Your API Key has exceeded its associated rate limit. |