PlayCanvas Image Target Events
Image target events can be listened to as, handler, this)
xr:imageloading: Fires when detection image loading begins.
xr:imageloading : { imageTargets: {name, type, metadata} }
xr:imagescanning: Fires when all detection images have been loaded and scanning has begun.
xr:imagescanning : { imageTargets: {name, type, metadata, geometry} }
xr:imagefound: Fires when an image target is first found.
xr:imagefound : { name, type, position, rotation, scale, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, height, radiusTop, radiusBottom, arcStartRadians, arcLengthRadians }
xr:imageupdated: Fires when an image target changes position, rotation or scale.
xr:imageupdated : { name, type, position, rotation, scale, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, height, radiusTop, radiusBottom, arcStartRadians, arcLengthRadians }
xr:imagelost: Fires when an image target is no longer being tracked.
xr:imagelost : { name, type, position, rotation, scale, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, height, radiusTop, radiusBottom, arcStartRadians, arcLengthRadians }
const showImage = (detail) => {
if (name != { return }
const {rotation, position, scale} = detail
entity.setRotation(rotation.x, rotation.y, rotation.z, rotation.w)
entity.setPosition(position.x, position.y, position.z)
entity.setLocalScale(scale, scale, scale)
entity.enabled = true
const hideImage = (detail) => {
if (name != { return }
entity.enabled = false
}'xr:imagefound', showImage, {})'xr:imageupdated', showImage, {})'xr:imagelost', hideImage, {})