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A pipeline module that interfaces with the three.js environment and lifecyle. The three.js scene can be queried using XR8.Threejs.xrScene() after XR8.Threejs.pipelineModule()'s onStart method is called. Setup can be done in another pipeline module's onStart method by referring to XR8.Threejs.xrScene() as long as XR8.addCameraPipelineModule() is called on the second module after calling XR8.addCameraPipelineModule(XR8.Threejs.pipelineModule()).

  • onStart, a three.js renderer and scene are created and configured to draw over a camera feed.
  • onUpdate, the three.js camera is driven with the phone's motion.
  • onRender, the renderer's render() method is invoked.

Note that this module does not actually draw the camera feed to the canvas, GlTextureRenderer does that. To add a camera feed in the background, install the XR8.GlTextureRenderer.pipelineModule() before installing this module (so that it is rendered before the scene is drawn).




A three.js pipeline module that can be added via XR8.addCameraPipelineModule().


// Add XrController.pipelineModule(), which enables 6DoF camera motion estimation.

// Add a GlTextureRenderer which draws the camera feed to the canvas.

// Add Threejs.pipelineModule() which creates a three.js scene, camera, and renderer, and
// drives the scene camera based on 6DoF camera motion.

// Add custom logic to the camera loop. This is done with camera pipeline modules that provide
// logic for key lifecycle moments for processing each camera frame. In this case, we'll be
// adding onStart logic for scene initialization, and onUpdate logic for scene updates.
// Camera pipeline modules need a name. It can be whatever you want but must be unique
// within your app.
name: 'myawesomeapp',

// onStart is called once when the camera feed begins. In this case, we need to wait for the
// XR8.Threejs scene to be ready before we can access it to add content.
onStart: ({canvasWidth, canvasHeight}) => {
// Get the three.js scene. This was created by XR8.Threejs.pipelineModule().onStart(). The
// reason we can access it here now is because 'myawesomeapp' was installed after
// XR8.Threejs.pipelineModule().
const {scene, camera} = XR8.Threejs.xrScene()

// Add some objects to the scene and set the starting camera position.
initScene({scene, camera})

// Sync the xr controller's 6DoF position and camera paremeters with our scene.
origin: camera.position,
facing: camera.quaternion,

// onUpdate is called once per camera loop prior to render. Any three.js geometry scene would
// typically happen here.
onUpdate: () => {
// Update the position of objects in the scene, etc.