Skip to main content, webgl2, ownRunLoop, cameraConfig, glContextConfig, allowedDevices, sessionConfiguration)


Open the camera and start running the camera run loop.


canvasHTMLCanvasElementThe HTML Canvas that the camera feed will be drawn to.
webgl2 [Optional]BooleantrueIf true, use WebGL2 if available, otherwise fallback to WebGL1. If false, always use WebGL1.
ownRunLoop [Optional]BooleantrueIf true, XR should use it's own run loop. If false, you will provide your own run loop and be responsible for calling runPreRender and runPostRender yourself [Advanced Users only]
cameraConfig: {direction} [Optional]Object{direction:}Desired camera to use. Supported values for direction are or
glContextConfig [Optional]WebGLContextAttributesnullThe attributes to configure the WebGL canvas context.
allowedDevices [Optional]XR8.XrConfig.device()XR8.XrConfig.device().MOBILE_AND_HEADSETSSpecify the class of devices that the pipeline should run on. If the current device is not in that class, running will fail prior prior to opening the camera. If allowedDevices is XR8.XrConfig.device().ANY, always open the camera. Note that world tracking can only be used with XR8.XrConfig.device().MOBILE_AND_HEADSETS or XR8.XrConfig.device().MOBILE.
sessionConfiguration: {disableXrTablet, xrTabletStartsMinimized, defaultEnvironment} [Optional]Object{}Configure options related to varying types of sessions.

sessionConfiguration is an object with the following [Optional] properties:

disableXrTablet [Optional]BooleanfalseDisable the tablet visible in immersive sessions.
xrTabletStartsMinimized [Optional]BooleanfalseThe tablet will start minimized.
defaultEnvironment {disabled, floorScale, floorTexture, floorColor, fogIntensity, skyTopColor, skyBottomColor, skyGradientStrength} [Optional]Object{}Configure options related to the default environment of your immersive session.

defaultEnvironment is an object with the following [Optional] properties:

disabled [Optional]BooleanfalseDisable the default "void space" background.
floorScale [Optional]Number1Shrink or grow the floor texture.
floorTexture [Optional]AssetSpecify an alternative texture asset or URL for the tiled floor.
floorColor [Optional]Hex Color#1A1C2ASet the floor color.
fogIntensity [Optional]Number1Increase or decrease fog density.
skyTopColor [Optional]Hex Color#BDC0D6Set the color of the sky directly above the user.
skyBottomColor [Optional]Hex Color#1A1C2ASet the color of the sky at the horizon.
skyGradientStrength [Optional]Number1Control how sharply the sky gradient transitions.


  • cameraConfig: World tracking (SLAM) is only supported on the back camera. If you are using the front camera, you must disable world tracking by calling XR8.XrController.configure({disableWorldTracking: true}) first.




// Open the camera and start running the camera run loop
// In index.html: <canvas id="camerafeed"></canvas>{canvas: document.getElementById('camerafeed')})

Example - Using Front camera (image tracking only)​

// Disable world tracking (SLAM). This is required to use the front camera.
XR8.XrController.configure({disableWorldTracking: true})
// Open the camera and start running the camera run loop
// In index.html: <canvas id="camerafeed"></canvas>{canvas: document.getElementById('camerafeed'), cameraConfig: {direction:}})

Example - Set glContextConfig​

// Open the camera and start running the camera run loop with an opaque canvas.
// In index.html: <canvas id="camerafeed"></canvas>{canvas: document.getElementById('camerafeed'), glContextConfig: {alpha: false, preserveDrawingBuffer: false}})