Creates a camera pipeline module that, when installed, receives callbacks on when the camera has started, camera proessing events, and other state changes. These are used to calculate the camera's position.
Return value is an object made available to onUpdate
processCpuResult.reality: { rotation, position, intrinsics, trackingStatus, trackingReason, worldPoints, realityTexture, lighting }
Property | Type | Description |
rotation | {w, x, y, z} | The orientation (quaternion) of the camera in the scene. |
position | {x, y, z} | The position of the camera in the scene. |
intrinsics | [Number] | A 16 dimensional column-major 4x4 projection matrix that gives the scene camera the same field of view as the rendered camera feed. |
trackingStatus | String | One of 'LIMITED' or 'NORMAL' . |
trackingReason | String | One of 'UNSPECIFIED' or'INITIALIZING' . |
worldPoints | [{id, confidence, position: {x, y, z}}] | An array of detected points in the world at their location in the scene. Only filled if XrController is configured to return world points and trackingReason != 'INITIALIZING' . |
realityTexture | WebGLTexture | The texture containing camera feed data. |
lighting | {exposure, temperature} | Exposure of the lighting in your environment. Note: temperature has not yet been implemented. |
Dispatched Events​
trackingStatus: Fires when XrController
starts and tracking status or reason changes.
reality.trackingstatus : { status, reason }
Property | Type | Description |
status | String | One of 'LIMITED' or 'NORMAL' . |
reason | String | One of 'INITIALIZING' or 'UNDEFINED' . |
imageloading: Fires when detection image loading begins.
imageloading.detail : { imageTargets: {name, type, metadata} }
Property | Type | Description |
name | String | The image's name. |
type | String | One of 'FLAT' , 'CYLINDRICAL' , 'CONICAL' . |
metadata | Object | User metadata. |
imagescanning: Fires when all detection images have been loaded and scanning has begun.
imagescanning.detail : { imageTargets: {name, type, metadata, geometry} }
Property | Type | Description |
name | String | The image's name. |
type | String | One of 'FLAT' , 'CYLINDRICAL' , 'CONICAL' . |
metadata | Object | User metadata. |
geometry | Object | Object containing geometry data. If type=FLAT: {scaledWidth, scaledHeight} , else if type=CYLINDRICAL or type=CONICAL: {height, radiusTop, radiusBottom, arcStartRadians, arcLengthRadians} |
If type = FLAT
, geometry:
Property | Type | Description |
scaledWidth | Number | The width of the image in the scene, when multiplied by scale. |
scaledHeight | Number | The height of the image in the scene, when multiplied by scale. |
, geometry:
Property | Type | Description |
height | Number | Height of the curved target. |
radiusTop | Number | Radius of the curved target at the top. |
radiusBottom | Number | Radius of the curved target at the bottom. |
arcStartRadians | Number | Starting angle in radians. |
arcLengthRadians | Number | Central angle in radians. |
imagefound: Fires when an image target is first found.
imagefound.detail : { name, type, position, rotation, scale, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, height, radiusTop, radiusBottom, arcStartRadians, arcLengthRadians }
Property | Type | Description |
name | String | The image's name. |
type | Number | One of 'FLAT' , 'CYLINDRICAL' , 'CONICAL' .` |
position | {x, y, z} | The 3d position of the located image. |
rotation | {w, x, y, z} | The 3d local orientation of the located image. |
scale | Number | A scale factor that should be applied to object attached to this image. |
If type = FLAT
Property | Type | Description |
scaledWidth | Number | The width of the image in the scene, when multiplied by scale. |
scaledHeight | Number | The height of the image in the scene, when multiplied by scale. |
Property | Type | Description |
height | Number | Height of the curved target. |
radiusTop | Number | Radius of the curved target at the top. |
radiusBottom | Number | Radius of the curved target at the bottom. |
arcStartRadians | Number | Starting angle in radians. |
arcLengthRadians | Number | Central angle in radians. |
imageupdated: Fires when an image target changes position, rotation or scale.
imageupdated.detail : { name, type, position, rotation, scale, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, height, radiusTop, radiusBottom, arcStartRadians, arcLengthRadians }
Property | Type | Description |
name | String | The image's name. |
type | Number | One of 'FLAT' , 'CYLINDRICAL' , 'CONICAL' .` |
position | {x, y, z} | The 3d position of the located image. |
rotation | {w, x, y, z} | The 3d local orientation of the located image. |
scale | Number | A scale factor that should be applied to object attached to this image. |
If type = FLAT
Property | Type | Description |
scaledWidth | Number | The width of the image in the scene, when multiplied by scale. |
scaledHeight | Number | The height of the image in the scene, when multiplied by scale. |
Property | Type | Description |
height | Number | Height of the curved target. |
radiusTop | Number | Radius of the curved target at the top. |
radiusBottom | Number | Radius of the curved target at the bottom. |
arcStartRadians | Number | Starting angle in radians. |
arcLengthRadians | Number | Central angle in radians. |
imagelost: Fires when an image target is no longer being tracked.
imagelost.detail : { name, type, position, rotation, scale, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, height, radiusTop, radiusBottom, arcStartRadians, arcLengthRadians }
Property | Type | Description |
name | String | The image's name. |
type | Number | One of 'FLAT' , 'CYLINDRICAL' , 'CONICAL' .` |
position | {x, y, z} | The 3d position of the located image. |
rotation | {w, x, y, z} | The 3d local orientation of the located image. |
scale | Number | A scale factor that should be applied to object attached to this image. |
If type = FLAT
Property | Type | Description |
scaledWidth | Number | The width of the image in the scene, when multiplied by scale. |
scaledHeight | Number | The height of the image in the scene, when multiplied by scale. |
Property | Type | Description |
height | Number | Height of the curved target. |
radiusTop | Number | Radius of the curved target at the top. |
radiusBottom | Number | Radius of the curved target at the bottom. |
arcStartRadians | Number | Starting angle in radians. |
arcLengthRadians | Number | Central angle in radians. |
meshfound: Fires when a mesh is first found either after start or after a recenter().
xrmeshfound.detail : { id, position, rotation, geometry }
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | An id for this mesh that is stable within a session |
position | {x, y, z} | The 3d position of the located mesh. |
rotation | {w, x, y, z} | The 3d local orientation (quaternion) of the located mesh. |
geometry | {index, attributes} | An object containing raw mesh geometry data. Attributes contain position and color attributes. |
is an object with the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
index | Uint32Array | The vertices of the mesh where 3 contiguous vertices make up a triangle. |
attributes | [{name: 'position', array: Float32Array(), itemSize: 3}, {name: 'color', array: Float32Array(), itemSize: 3}] | The raw mesh geometry data. |
meshupdated: Fires when a the first mesh we found changes position or rotation.
meshupdated.detail : { id, position, rotation }
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | An id for this mesh that is stable within a session |
position | {x, y, z} | The 3d position of the located mesh. |
rotation | {w, x, y, z} | The 3d local orientation (quaternion) of the located mesh. |
meshlost: Fires when recenter is called.
xrmeshlost.detail : { id }
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | An id for this mesh that is stable within a session |
projectwayspotscanning: Fires when all Project Locations have been loaded for scanning.
projectwayspotscanning.detail : { wayspots: [] }
Property | Type | Description |
wayspots | [Object] | An array objects containing Location information. |
is an array of objects with the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | An id for this Project Location that is stable within a session |
name | String | Project Location name. |
imageUrl | String | URL to a representative image for this Project Location. |
title | String | Project Location title. |
lat | Number | Latitude of this Project Location. |
lng | Number | Longitude of this Project Location. |
projectwayspotfound: Fires when a Project Location is first found.
projectwayspotfound.detail : { name, position, rotation }
Property | Type | Description |
name | String | The Project Location name. |
position | {x, y, z} | The 3d position of the located Project Location. |
rotation | {w, x, y, z} | The 3d local orientation (quaternion) of the located Project Location. |
projectwayspotupdated: Fires when a Project Location changes position or rotation.
projectwayspotupdated.detail : { name, position, rotation }
Property | Type | Description |
name | String | The Project Location name. |
position | {x, y, z} | The 3d position of the located Project Location. |
rotation | {w, x, y, z} | The 3d local orientation (quaternion) of the located Project Location. |
projectwayspotlost: Fires when a Project Location is no longer being tracked.
projectwayspotlost.detail : { name, position, rotation }
Property | Type | Description |
name | String | The Project Location name. |
position | {x, y, z} | The 3d position of the located Project Location. |
rotation | {w, x, y, z} | The 3d local orientation (quaternion) of the located Project Location. |
Example - adding pipeline module​
Example - dispatched events​
const logEvent = ({name, detail}) => {
console.log(`Handling event ${name}, got detail, ${JSON.stringify(detail)}`)
name: 'eventlogger',
listeners: [
{event: 'reality.imageloading', process: logEvent},
{event: 'reality.imagescanning', process: logEvent},
{event: 'reality.imagefound', process: logEvent},
{event: 'reality.imageupdated', process: logEvent},
{event: 'reality.imagelost', process: logEvent},