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The Camera component defines the camera behavior.


See component schema.


World Effects

scalestringresponsiveEither responsive or absolute. responsive will return values so that the camera on frame 1 is at the origin defined via XR8.XrController.updateCameraProjectionMatrix(). absolute will return the camera, image targets, etc in meters. When using absolute the x-position, z-position, and rotation of the starting pose will respect the parameters set in XR8.XrController.updateCameraProjectionMatrix() once scale has been estimated. The y-position will depend on the camera's physical height from the ground plane.

Face Effects

nearClipNumber0.1The distance from the camera of the near clip plane, i.e. the closest distance to the camera at which scene objects are visible.
farClipNumber1000The distance from the camera of the far clip plane, i.e. the farthest distance to the camera at which scene objects are visible
FacebooleantrueWhether to show face mesh geometry.
EyesbooleanfalseWhether to show eye mesh geometry.
IrisbooleanfalseWhether to show iris mesh geometry.
MouthbooleanfalseWhether to show mouth mesh geometry.
maxDetectionsNumber1The maximum number of faces to detect. The available choices are 1, 2, or 3.
enableEarsbooleanfalseIf true, runs ear detection simultaneously with Face Effects and returns ear attachment points.