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The GltfModel component manages 3D models.


See component schema.


urlstringtrueThe source url.
animationClipstringfalseThe name of the animationClip attached to the model to play
loopBooleanfalseWhether the animation clip restarts after it finishes playing or not
pausedBooleanfalseWhether the animation clip is paused
timenumberfalseTime in seconds of animationClip to jump to
timeScalenumberfalseScaling factor for the time. 0 causes the animation to pause. Negative values cause the animation to play backwards.
colliderbooleanfalseWhether the animation should update the physics collider.
reversebooleanfalseIf set, the animation will play in reverse when it finishes playing forward (together counts as one loop iteration)
repetitionsnumberfalseIf set along with ‘loop’, the number of times the loop will be repeated (-1 means loop forever)
crossFadeDurationnumberfalseThe time in seconds that will be spent blending between animations when a new animation is started (and an existing animation is playing)