This component establishes a User Interface in relation to the entity.
I'll create a table in the same format for the provided schema:
Propiedad | Tipo | Por defecto | Descripción |
type (Required) | string | Supported types are: 'overlay' and '3d' | |
font | string | Font to use | |
fontSize | f32 | Size of the text | |
position | string | Positioning type | |
opacity | f32 | 1 | Overall opacity of the object |
backgroundOpacity | f32 | 0 | Opacity of the background |
backgroundSize | string | Size of the background | |
background | string | Background color | |
color | string | Foreground (text) color | |
text | string | "" | Text content of the object |
image | string | nulo | Image resource |
fixedSize | boolean | Determines if size is fixed | |
width | string | 100 | Width of the object |
height | string | 100 | Height of the object |
top | string | Vertical position from top border | |
left | string | Horizontal position from left border | |
bottom | string | Vertical position from bottom border | |
right | string | Horizontal position from right border | |
borderColor | string | Color of the border | |
borderRadius | f32 | 0 | Rounds the corners of the element |
alignContent | string | Distribution of space between content items; allowed values: 'flex-start’, 'center’, 'flex-end’, 'stretch’, 'space-between’, 'space-around’ | |
alignItems | string | Alignment of items on the cross axis; allowed values: 'flex-start’, 'center’, 'flex-end’, 'stretch’, 'baseline’ | |
alignSelf | string | Alignment of an individual flex item; allowed values: 'auto’, 'flex-start’, 'center’, 'flex-end’, 'stretch’, 'baseline’ | |
borderWidth | f32 | 0 | Width of the border |
columnGap | string | Gap between columns | |
direction | string | Text direction; allowed values: 'inherit’, 'LTR’, 'RTL’ | |
display | string | Display type of the element; allowed values: 'flex’, 'none’ | |
flex | f32 | Flex grow, shrink, and basis shorthand | |
flexBasis | string | Initial main size of a flex item | |
flexDirection | string | Direction of flex items in the container; allowed values: 'column’, 'column-reverse’, 'row’, 'row-reverse’ | |
flexGrow | f32 | Defines the ability for a flex item to grow | |
flexShrink | f32 | Defines the ability for a flex item to shrink | |
flexWrap | string | Whether flex items wrap; allowed values: 'no-wrap’, 'wrap’, 'wrap-reverse’ | |
gap | string | Gap between flex items | |
justifyContent | string | Alignment of items on the main axis; allowed values: 'flex-start’, 'center’, 'flex-end’, 'space-between’, 'space-around’, 'space-evenly’ | |
margin | string | Margin around the element | |
marginBottom | string | Bottom margin | |
marginLeft | string | Left margin | |
marginRight | string | Right margin | |
marginTop | string | Top margin | |
maxHeight | string | Maximum height of the element | |
maxWidth | string | Maximum width of the element | |
minHeight | string | Minimum height of the element | |
minWidth | string | Minimum width of the element | |
overflow | string | How content that exceeds the element’s size is handled; allowed values: 'visible’, 'hidden’, 'scroll’ | |
padding | string | Padding inside the element | |
paddingBottom | string | Bottom padding | |
paddingLeft | string | Left padding | |
paddingRight | string | Right padding | |
paddingTop | string | Top padding | |
rowGap | string | Gap between rows | |
textAlign | string | Alignment of text within the element; allowed values: 'left’, 'right’, 'center’, 'justify’ |
Returns a read-only reference.
ecs.Ui.get(world, component.eid)
Ensures the component exists on the entity, then assigns the (optional) data to the component.
ecs.Ui.set(world, component.eid, {
type: 'overlay',
background: '#FFFFFF'
Perform an update to the component within a callback function. Return true
to indicate no changes made.
ecs.Ui.mutate(world, component.eid, (cursor) => {
cursor.opacity = 0.5;
cursor.text = 'Hello World!';
cursor.width = 150;
return false;
Removes the component from the entity.
ecs.Ui.remove(world, component.eid)
Returns true
if the component is present on the entity.
ecs.Ui.has(world, component.eid)
Adds, or resets the component to its default state.
ecs.Ui.reset(world, component.eid)
Advanced Functions
Returns a mutable reference. Cursors are reused so only one cursor for each component can exist at a time.
ecs.Ui.cursor(world, component.eid)
Same behavior as cursor, but commit must be called after the cursor is done being used.
ecs.Ui.acquire(world, component.eid)
Called after acquire. An optional third argument determines whether the cursor was mutated or not.
ecs.Ui.commit(world, component.eid)
ecs.Ui.commit(world, component.eid, false)
Mark the entity as having been mutated. Only needed in a specific case where systems are mutating data.
ecs.Ui.dirty(world, component.eid)