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Maps provide interactive, real-world 3D maps for integrating geospatial data into AR and 3D experiences. They allow you to anchor AR content to specific real-world locations.

The feature includes built-in 3D terrain, cityscapes, and real-world structures, enabling accurate placement of virtual objects within a mapped environment. This functionality supports location-based applications, including Visual Positioning System (VPS) experiences and real-world AR interactions.

Adding a Map

You can add a map to your scene by creating a Map entity. To do this, click ( + ) in the Scene Hierarchy and select Map.

Map Configurations

Center and Radius

By default, the map center is set to the device’s GPS location. If needed, you can manually configure the latitude, longitude, and radius to specify a custom location.

You can select the “Use GPS” checkbox to use the device GPS at runtime.

Map Themes

You can customize the map’s appearance by selecting from 20 preset themes. Alternatively, you can adjust individual properties to create a custom theme.


The map is made up of the following features and customization options

  • Land: The base of the map, areas where there are no other features.
  • Building: Buildings on the map. These can rise above the map.
  • Park: Green spaces (natural and man-made).
  • Parking: Parking lots.
  • Transit: Railroad lines and other transit platforms (e.g. train or ferry).
  • Road: Roads of various sizes.
  • Sand: Beaches and deserts.
  • Water: Bodies of water and waterways.


Land Colorcolor#FFFFFFColor of land as a hexadecimal code
Land Opacitynumber1Opacity of land with 0 being transparent and 1 being opaque
Land VisibilitybooleantrueVisibility of land as a checkbox
Building Colorcolor#FFFFFFColor of buildings as a hexadecimal code
Building Opacitynumber1Opacity of buildings with 0 being transparent and 1 being opaque
Building Min Heightnumber6Min height of buildings in meters
Building Max Heightnumber6Max height of buildings in meters
Building VisibilitybooleantrueVisibility of building as a checkbox
Building Base Offsetnumber0.014Height of the bottom of buildings, offset from land
Park Colorcolor#FFFFFFColor of parks as a hexadecimal code
Park Opacitynumber1Opacity of parks with 0 being transparent and 1 being opaque
Park VisibilitybooleantrueVisibility of park as a checkbox
Park Base Offsetnumber0.002Height of the park, offset from land
Parking Colorcolor#FFFFFFColor of parking as a hexadecimal code
Parking Opacitynumber1Opacity of parking with 0 being transparent and 1 being opaque
Parking VisibilitybooleantrueVisibility of parking as a checkbox
Parking Base Offsetnumber0.008Height of parking, offset from land
Transit Colorcolor#FFFFFFColor of transit as a hexadecimal code
Transit Opacitynumber1Opacity of transit with 0 being transparent and 1 being opaque
Transit VisibilitybooleantrueVisibility of transit as a checkbox
Transit Widthnumber6Width of transit
Transit Base Offsetnumber0.012Height of transit, offset from land
Road Colorcolor#FFFFFFColor of roads as a hexadecimal code
Road Opacitynumber1Opacity of roads with 0 being transparent and 1 being opaque
Road VisibilitybooleantrueVisibility of roads as a checkbox
Road S Widthnumber2Width in meters of S Roads
Road M Widthnumber4Width in meters of M Roads
Road L Widthnumber8Width in meters of L Roads
Road XL Widthnumber32Width in meters of XL Roads
Road Base Offsetnumber0.01Height of road, offset from land
Sand Colorcolor#FFFFFFColor of sand as a hexadecimal code
Sand Opacitynumber1Opacity of sand with 0 being transparent and 1 being opaque
Sand VisibilitybooleantrueVisibility of sand as a checkbox
Sand Base Offsetnumber0.004Height of sand, offset from land
Water Colorcolor#FFFFFFColor of water as a hexadecimal code
Water Opacitynumber1Opacity of water with 0 being transparent and 1 being opaque
Water VisibilitybooleantrueVisibility of water as a checkbox
Waterway Widthnumber6Width of water
Water Base Offsetnumber0.006Height of water, offset from land

Map Points

Map points are points anchored to a specified latitude and longitude. By adding an asset as a child of a map point, you can anchor that asset to the latitude and longitude of the map point.

You can create a map point by clicking "New Map Point" in the Inspector Panel and specifying the latitude and longitude.

If you check the "Spawn Locations" checkbox, Studio will procedurally generate a map point at every available location.


You can test your map experience using the Simulator. A new dropdown at the top of the simulator allows you to change the latitude and longitude, enabling you to test your experience in different locations. You can also navigate to any location or map point in your project.

Selecting "None" in the dropdown simulates the absence of location data.