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Writing Backend Code


Backend function code executes in a serverless environment associated with your 8th Wall account. All backend functions must export a top level async method called handler, which is the entry point into the backend function.

Example entry file code:

const handler = async (event: any) => {
// Custom backend code goes here

return {
body: JSON.stringify({

export {

Client Method​

When you create a backend function, a client method is automatically created for you. This client method is a wrapper around fetch, meaning you can pass the same arguments to this function as you would with a normal fetch call. See Fetch API for more details.

This client method is how you send requests from module client code to the backend function.


Function Event Parameters​

The handler method is invoked with an event object each time the client method is called. event has the following properties:

pathstringThe URL path passed to the client method ('/getUser/foo' , '/checkAnswer', etc).
bodystringCall JSON.parse(event.body) to get transform the body into an object.
httpMethodstringThe HTTP method used to call the backend function. One of 'GET', 'PUT', 'POST', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'.
queryStringParametersRecord<string, string>Key/value pairs containg the query string parameters from the request.
headersRecord<string, string>Key/value pairs containing request headers.

Return Object​

All properties are optional.

statusCodenumberThe status code of the response. Default is 200.
headersRecord<string, string>The headers associated with the response.
bodystringThe JSON.stringify()'d body object associated with the response.

Error Handling​

If the backend function throws an uncaught exception, the function will return statusCode: 500 with an error object in the response body.

If you own the module and are in development mode, the error object will contain name, message and stack:

{error: {name: string, message: string, stack: string}}


"error": {
"name": "TypeError",
"message": "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'foo')",
"stack": "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'foo')\n at call (webpack:///src/index.ts:8:24)\n ...

For non-development mode, the error object will not contain a name or stack property and the message will be a generic "Internal Server Error".

Pinning Targets​

Please refer to for full details on module pinning targets.

When pinning to a Version, Allowed Updates must be set to None


When pinning to a Commit, select a specific commit. Latest is not supported.
