Debug Mode
Debug Mode is an advanced Cloud Editor feature that provides logging, performance information, and enhanced visualizations directly on your device.
Note: Debug mode is currently not displayed when previewing experiences on head mounted devices.
To activate Debug Mode
- At the top of the Cloud Editor window, click the Preview button.
- Below the QR code, toggle Debug Mode on.
- Scan the QR code to preview your WebAR project with debug information superimposed over the page:
If you already have a device connected in the Cloud Editor console you can enable/disable Debug Mode at any time by pressing the “Debug Mode” toggle when you have the device tab selected.
Debug Mode Stats:
Depending on the renderer your project is using Debug Mode will display some of the following information:
Stats Panel (tap to minimize)
- fps - frames per second, framerate.
- Tris - number of triangles rendered per frame.*
- Draw Calls - number of draw calls each frame. A draw call is a call to the graphics API to draw objects (e.g. draw a triangle).*
- Textures - number of textures in the scene.*
- Tex(max) - the maximum dimension of the largest texture in the scene.*
- Shaders - number of GLSL shaders in the scene.*
- Geometries - number of geometries in the scene.*
- Points - number of points in the scene. Only displayed when the scene has more than 0.*
- Entities - number of A-Frame entities in the scene.*
- ImgTargets - number of active 8th Wall image targets in the scene.
- Models - total size in MB of all
(only preloaded 3D models) in<a-assets>
Version Panel
- Engine Version - version of the 8th Wall AR engine the experience is running.
- Renderer Version - version of renderer the experience is running.*
Tools Panel
- Console - displays live console logs.
- Actions - options to reset the XR camera (XR8.recenter()), show detected surface*, and display A-Frame inspector*.
- Camera - displays XR camera position and rotation.
- Minimize - minimizes the tools panel.
[*] available in Cloud Editor projects using A-Frame