

Entry point for Niantic Studio's Javascript API


assetsUtility functions related to assets.
CameraEventsHandles camera events.
eventsHandles GLTF events.
inputHandles input events.
mathVarious math utility functions.
physicsPhysics utility functions, properties, and events.


createStateMachineCreate a state machine.
defineQueryDefine a query.
defineStateDefine a new state.
defineSystemDefine a system.
deleteStateMachineDelete a state machine.
getAttributeReturns an attribute that has been registered with a unique name.
getBehaviorsReturns behaviors.
listAttributesList attributes.
registerBehaviorRegister a function that runs on the world every tick.
registerComponentRegister a component.
unregisterBehaviorDeactivate a behavior.


AudioDefines the audio behavior of an entity.
BoxGeometryDefines the geometry of an entity.
CameraDefines the camera behavior.
CapsuleGeometryDefines the geometry of an entity.
CircleGeometryDefines the geometry of an entity.
ColliderDefines the physics collision behavior of an entity.
ConeGeometryDefines the geometry of an entity.
CylinderGeometryDefines the geometry of an entity.
GltfModelUsed to manage 3D models.
HiddenUsed to show and hide entities.
LightDefines lighting behavior of an entity.
MaterialDefines the material properties for an entity.
PlaneGeometryDefines the geometry of an entity.
PositionDefines the position of an entity.
QuaternionDefines the rotation of an entity.
ScaleDefines the scale of an entity.
ShadowDefines the shadow behavior of an entity.
ShadowMaterialDefines the shadow behavior of an entity.
SphereGeometryDefines the geometry of an entity.
TetrahedronGeometryDefines the geometry of an entity.
UiAllows you to create floating or screen overlay UI.
CustomPropertyAnimationAnimate a single number property on the attributes of a target object
PositionAnimationAnimate the position of a target object
ScaleAnimationAnimate the scale vector of a target object
RotateAnimationAnimate the rotation of a target object
RingGeometryDefines the geometry of an entity.
CustomVec3AnimationAnimate the named 3D vector attribute on a target object
FollowAnimationFollow a target object at the given distance.
LookAtAnimationMaintain orientation to face a given target or point.
ParticleEmitterAdd a particle system to an entity.