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Add a particle system to an entity. Intended for rendering common visual effects found in games and animations.


See component schema.


stoppedbooleanSwitching states will reset emitterLife.
emitterLifenumberThe life of the emitter in seconds
particlesPerShotnumberParticles each emission
emitDelaynumberDelay between emissions
minimumLifespannumber Min. range for particle lifetime
maximumLifespannumberMax. range for particle lifetime
massnumberMass of the entity
scalenumberScale in every dimension
forceXnumberForce applied to particle in X
forceYnumberForce applied to particle in Y
forceZnumberForce applied to particle in Z
spreadnumberArea and direction where the particle spawns relative to its origin
radialVelocitynumberCan be set to 0, else changes the force type applied to each particle to radial velocity
spawnAreaTypestringPoint: from origin. Choose from point (from origin), box, and sphere
spawnAreaWidthnumberSpawnArea width for box type
spawnAreaHeightnumberSpawn Area Height for box type
spawnAreaDepthnumberSpawn Area Depth for box type
spawnAreaRadiusnumberSpawn Area radius for sphere type
boundingZoneTypestringBounding Zone type. Choose from none, box, and sphere
boundingZoneWidthnumberBounding Zone width for box type
boundingZoneHeightnumber Bounding Zone height for box type
boundingZoneDepthnumberBounding Zone depth for box type
boundingZoneRadiusnumberBounding Zone radius for sphere type
resourceTypestringChoose from sprite (image) or model (3d model)
blendingModestringOnly works for sprite. Choose from none, normal, add, multiply, and subtract. See examples here
animateColorbooleanEnables color animation
colorStarthex colorStarting color (ex: #fcba03)
colorEndhex colorEnding color (ex: #fcba03)
randomDriftbooleanEnable Drift
randomDriftRangenumberDrift range and speed
collisionsbooleanEnable collisions