This component creates a material on an entity with geometry.
Property | Type | Default | Description |
r | number | 0 | Red channel value of the material [0...255] |
g | number | 0 | Green channel value of the material [0...255] |
b | number | 0 | Blue channel value of the material [0...255] |
textureSrc | string | "" | The color map source, modulated by color (if set) |
roughness | number | 0 | How rough the material appears [0...1] |
roughnessMap | string | "" | Green channel of this texture map resource the roughness, multiplied by the roughness number. |
metalness | number | 0 | How metallic the material appears [0...1] |
metalnessMap | string | "" | Blue channel of this texture resource affects how metal the material appears. |
normalScale | number | 0 | How much the normal map (if set) affects the material [0...1] |
normalMap | string | "" | Normal map source of the texture. |
opacity | number | 0 | Overall alpha/transparency of the material [0...1] |
opacityMap | string | "" | Alpha/transparency mapped via a texture resource. |
emissiveIntensity | number | 0 | Overall intensity of the emissive map [0...1] |
emissiveMap | string | "" | Emissive strength mapped as a texture resource. Modulated by emissive color and intensity. |
emissiveR | number | 0 | Red channel emissive color of the material [0...255] |
emissiveG | number | 0 | Green channel emissive color of the material [0...255] |
emissiveB | number | 0 | Blue channel emissive color of the material [0...255] |
side | string | "" | Which sides of faces will be rendered. Choose from front, back, or double. |
blending | string | "" | Blending to use when displaying objects with this material. Choose from no, normal, additive, subtractive, and multiply. |
repeatX | number | 0 | How many times a texture is repeated across a material on the X axis. |
repeatY | number | 0 | How many times a texture is repeated across a material on the Y axis. |
offsetX | number | 0 | How much a texture is offset across a material on the X axis. |
offsetY | number | 0 | How much a texture is offset across a material on the Y axis. |
depthTest | boolean | true | Whether to test depth when rendering this material |
depthWrite | boolean | true | Whether rendering this material impacts the depth buffer |
wireframe | boolean | false | Render geometry as wireframe. |
forceTransparent | boolean | false | Whether to force the alpha channel to render as transparent. |
Returns a read-only reference.
ecs.Material.get(world, component.eid)
Ensures the component exists on the entity, then assigns the (optional) data to the component.
ecs.Material.set(world, component.eid, {
r: 255,
g: 0,
b: 0
Perform an update to the component within a callback function. Return true
to indicate no changes made.
ecs.Material.mutate(world, component.eid, (cursor) => {
cursor.roughness = 0.8;
cursor.wireframe = true;
return false;
Removes the component from the entity.
ecs.Material.remove(world, component.eid)
Returns true
if the component is present on the entity.
ecs.Material.has(world, component.eid)
Adds, or resets the component to its default state.
ecs.Material.reset(world, component.eid)
Advanced Functions
Returns a mutable reference. Cursors are reused so only one cursor for each component can exist at a time.
ecs.Material.cursor(world, component.eid)
Same behavior as cursor, but commit must be called after the cursor is done being used.
ecs.Material.acquire(world, component.eid)
Called after acquire. An optional third argument determines whether the cursor was mutated or not.
ecs.Material.commit(world, component.eid)
ecs.Material.commit(world, component.eid, false)
Mark the entity as having been mutated. Only needed in a specific case where systems are mutating data.
ecs.Material.dirty(world, component.eid)