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HoloStream Playlist


This project demonstrates dynamic switching of HoloStreams.

This project demonstrates dynamic switching of HoloStreams.

HoloStream Playlist

HoloStream is an adaptive bitrate volumetric video streaming solution. This example illustrates how to create a playlist to dynamicly swap HoloStreams.

Interested in adding adaptive bitrate volumetric video streaming to your project? Reach out to Arcturus directly to get started using HoloStream.

Project Overview

The playlist.js file contains an array of HoloStream clips that can be loaded using their index. Each HoloStream also contains an offset that allows you to adjust its postion in relation to the tap to touch point that was placed.


-Tap the left and right arrows, or swipe left and right to play the previous and next clips.

-Tap the up arrow to open the clip menu and select a clip by index.

-Tapping the i icon in the top left will bring up the info, and a link to our website.

Featured screenshot
Featured screenshot