8th Wall Blog
Enter the magnum playground AR portal to celebrate the launch of the cookies & cream variety across Asia
The playfully sweet WebAR experience includes a game, photo booth and access to shop products

Magnum invited customers to indulge in its first augmented reality experience, a playfully sweet playground inspired by Magnum Cookies and Cream. The WebAR portal experience was created by VALIS in collaboration with VoxEureka and Unilever.
Customers access the experience by scanning a QR code or accessing a link on their iOS or Android smartphone. They are then asked to place the door to the Playground in their physical world space using augmented reality. The experience begins by opening the Playground front door where they are greeted by a giant Magnum Cookies and Cream ice cream bar. Once in the Playground, customers can explore the portal in 360-degrees and also play a game where they tossed Cookies and Cream cookies at gold balloons to see how many they could pop.
After completing the tour and playing a game, customers are given the choice to shop, learn more about Magnum products or watch a video featuring Cookies and Cream. They are also given the option to access the photo booth which, when activated, takes users out of the portal back into the real world to let them take a photo or video with a giant bar of Cookies and Cream ice cream. Customers can then share these photos or videos for a chance to win a prize.
🍦 Enter the Magnum Playground by tapping here.