Nido - Web 360 + AR
EditorFor Nestlé's Nido brand, we developed four Web 360 with different themes, where users can play a trivia game and see animals in Augmented Reality.
For Nestlé's Nido brand, we developed four Web 360 with different themes, where users can play a trivia game and see animals in Augmented Reality.
For the launch of NIDO’s "Explorers Collection" milk cans, we created 4 Augmented Reality experiences to provide consumers with special content.
The campaign consisted of different lithographed cans, containing QR codes associated either with a jungle, ocean, arctic or space themed experiences. For each of them, a Web 360 was developed with special content.
For example, for the jungle experience we created a trivia game with fun facts and a photo opportunity with Web AR of a giraffe and a lion. Product information and an Instagram filter were also included.
The campaign’s objective was to interact with the public in an original and didactic way, offering content that could be enjoyed both by parents and their children.
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