EUFLEXXA - Experience OA of the Knee
EditorA Revolutionary Look at Osteoarthritis (OA) of the Knee through an interactive, web-based Augmented Reality experience.
A Revolutionary Look at Osteoarthritis (OA) of the Knee through an interactive, web-based Augmented Reality experience.
Medically accurate physical models, long a staple in doctor's offices and medical institutions worldwide, are hyperspecific, bulky, and quickly become outdated. So Dream Syndicate created an alternative approach for educating doctors and patients about Osteoarthritis (OA) of the Knee. This approach removes the need for physical models while adding a whole new level of easy-to-access information and interaction.
In the Osteoarthritis (OA) of the Knee experience, our team developed a custom web application and interactive Web AR experience that showcases the structures of the knee in a medically accurate 3D model. The 3D knee, presented in AR, is viewable from any angle, scaleable to allow closer examination, and changes to illustrate how the knee is impacted throughout the progression of OA of the Knee, offering views across five distinct disease states. The AR experience also features interactive touchpoints throughout each stage that explain what's happening on a molecular level.
The AR knee experience is supported by a custom web application that provides a user interface for navigation, explanatory molecular-level medical animations, a closer look at treatment options with pros and cons, and linkouts to learn more for patients and medical professionals. The web app is also infused with anonymous analytics tracking, providing the client with comprehensive use data and real-time metrics that feed into their existing metrics dashboard.
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