Tokyo National Museum - The National Treasure Illustrated Biography of Prince Shotoku
EditorThe National Treasure Illustrated Biography of Prince Shotoku. An AR Journey Through Prince Shotoku's Life.
The National Treasure Illustrated Biography of Prince Shotoku. An AR Journey Through Prince Shotoku's Life.
Cultural Properties in 5G. The National Treasure Illustrated Biography of Prince Shotoku. An AR Journey Through Prince Shotoku's Life. The National Treasure is coming to your home
The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures at the Tokyo National Museum lets visitors enjoy “Cultural Properties in 5G ; The National Treasure ‘Illustrated Biography of Prince Shotoku’” as a high-definition AR experience by simply holding a smartphone or tablet over the display. Now the same 15 episodes of “Magical Glasses” can be experienced at home.
※Also available on 4G smartphones or tablets.
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