Coca Cola Treecording
EditorTreecording allows the user so send a unique Christmas message to their family and friends through visualizing their voice recording in a festive way!
Treecording allows the user so send a unique Christmas message to their family and friends through visualizing their voice recording in a festive way!
Our new strategic partner in the UK and Benelux Happy Finish have asked Moyosa to help create a web application designed to allow users to share a Christmas invitation or special message with friends and family. On scanning a QR code or visiting a URL, users will arrive at a landing page that asks them to record a message: a dinner invitation, a greeting or even a Christmas song. The voice input will be turned into a Christmas tree design generated by the unique soundwave of the message.
The user can then place their animated 3D digital Christmas tree in their own environment using webAR powered by 8thWall and share their message with their friends, colleagues and family, who in turn are encouraged to record their own message.
As an extra compliance measure, we’ve built in moderation for Coca Cola, which takes around 1-3 seconds, so that there are no surprises or violations of the company’s code of conduct for users.
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